My name is Jamie Bruggeman and I am a proud graduate of Our
Lady of Perpetual Help Elementary School and Providence High School. Both experiences have given me a strong foundation in my faith, which play a significant role in my teaching. I graduated from Indiana University with a degree in Elementary Education and I received my Masters in School Administration from Indiana University Southeast.
This will be my 22nd year teaching but my 11 th year teaching first
grade at St. John Paul ll. Prior to teaching at St. John Paul ll, I was a
teacher for 11 years in the Greater Clark County School Corporation.
I’ve taught kindergarten, first, second, third and fourth grades. Most
of my teaching experience has been in first grade, which I have loved!
First grade is such an important year, and I enjoy seeing all of the
progress the students make, especially in reading!
My family and I live in Sellersburg, Indiana. My husband,
Chad, and I have been parishioners of St. John Paul ll Catholic
Church for 18 years. We have three children, Morgan, Max, and
Miles. My daughter, Morgan, is a Junior at Our Lady of
Providence High School. My middle child, Max, is in eighth grade
and my youngest son, Miles, is in sixth grade at JPll. I feel very
blessed to get to work where I send my own children. In my
spare time, I enjoy walking, watching my kids play sports, hiking,
shopping, and spending time with my family!